Boa Noite!
This is my Portfolio Intro Video.
Welcome to my Lab!


Brazilian born.
NY Resident.
Full Stack Developer
Loving Husband.
D&D Afficionado

Deal witht he buttons

I have been honing my skills with the tools most used in front-end development, next I'll expand my experience and knowledge to add back end development tools to my belt.
CSS | HTML | JS | Bootstrap | Git


I love both indoors activities and outdoors ones, I am a rock climber, though living in NY indoors climbing is the most common kind I get to do. Boldering has become a bit of a passion. I also love boating, kayaking and nature hikes to new places.


When it comes to indoors my favorite are tabletop role playing games and videogames, as well as the "art of cooking". I enjoy joking around that while baking is science, cooking is an art, you can let your creative side shine and enjoy the flavor of madness.


While I enjoy both indoors and outdoors activities, nothing is as amazing an experience as traveling.
You can enjoy all the things you like, but also emmerse yourself in the culture shock of experiencing everything you know in new ways.


Please feel free to reach out.
You can contact me by email, link with me on linked-in, find me on Facebook or check my GitHub:

My Passions

Traveling. Cooking. Climbing.
I would love to be able to experience the world in as many ways as possible.
These are some of the ways I've found that allow me to perceive the many cultures of the world. be it a spice that only exists in Chile or to try a wine at the vine in Portugal.

My First Home

Sao Paulo, city of my heart. There's a lot to say about it but it would take too long. I would simplify it by describing it as a city that is frenetic and lively. There's always something to do, a place to spend time with friends. If Buenos Aires is like Paris, Sao Paulo is the New York of South America..


As an expatriate, who moved continents, family is a treasure that I value a lot, and miss a lot too.

Richard Bach put it best:
"The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life."


Friends are the family you chose. To quote Maya Angelou: "Most people really don't become friends.
They become deep and serious acquaintances.
But in a friendship you get to know the spirit of the other.
And your values coincide."

FUN FACT: Hashes and Blockies

Hash Blockie for my name under a SHA3-256 at 5 rounds comes out to:

But since telling that apart from the hashed output of say, just my first name and last initial, is rather more complex than it should be:

Meanwhile we can use blockies - or simetrical small images composed of mostly colors forming shapes - instead. Check out. =>