Image Source Attributions:

Many of the images used are collected from free sources, but that doesn't mean we shoudn't give credit where it's owed! Please take a look bellow for their sources.

Parallax Source Image

I deconstructed the layers for the parallax from this initial picture: Source Image by Aliona-Pasha, Pexels

Logo Source Image

My Logo choice was about searching for a good and versitile image that could be connected with an animal from where I'm from. My final choice was for the Lobo-Guara, also known as the Maned Wolf, is a unique canine, halfway point between a fox and a wolf from the Bralizian savannas and grasslands. The color pallet from this image matched some of the colorations from it's fur. Logo Image by Freepik

Exercise Icons

Between the Joystick, the Eye, the Tower, the Map and the Geometric icons I went to Freepik again since they have a very good selection of simplified icons, logos and symbols. Icon Images by Freepik

Further Resources

While I have yet to implement them, I have downloaded a couple beautifulpictures from other source. Here's their page!
Unused Photo 1 by Noah Angelo, Unsplash
Unused Photo 2 by Mike Ko, Unsplash